Natural fire-retardant solutions for wood and natural fiber products

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HomeNewsCase studiesEstonian acoustic panels Aikkon® and Burnblock®— tailored to the needs (fit for purpose)

Estonian acoustic panels Aikkon® and Burnblock®— tailored to the needs (fit for purpose)

Effective protection of wood against fire is not only common sense, but also a requirement in the public and service sectors. When human life is at stake, there is no room for half-measures or guesswork. Everything must be certain, checked and supported by reliable tests.

An interesting example of a sustainable and innovative approach to the topic of wood protection is Etelä-Hervannan koulun. It is a modern school and kindergarten complex, which was established in the South Hervanta district on the outskirts of the Finnish city of Tampere. The facility provides a place to teach and play for 1 300 children and 200 employees. The four-story building also has space for a dental clinic with 10 surgeries. The area of the entire complex is as much as 14 569 m².

In such a large facility, noise plays an important role. Therefore, acoustic panels with wooden slats were used to finish the interiors, patio and sports hall, which combine an effective appearance with the necessary soundproofing. The choice was also fraught with strict fire safety requirements.

We contacted Rainer Hoff, co-owner of Aikkon®, who personally oversees the sales and development areas. It was the boards of his production that were used in the implementation, and Burnblock® was chosen to protect them. We asked him to share with us his impressions and a short summary of the process of wood impregnation using Burnblock.

Here’s what he told us:

At Aikkon, we specialize in acoustic panels that are safe for both people and the environment. That is why we focus on real wood. The carbon footprint of wood is lower than of composite-based products.

The Etelä-Hervannan school project required B-s1,d0 fire safety classified ceiling and wall elements. Lamella element falls within the scope of the standard EN 14915:2020, it means that element itself as a full construction material have to be B-s1,d0, not only wood material. Unfortunately there is very common thinking that using B-s1,d0 treated wood, will give same B-s1,d0 result in different constructions (example lamella elements). This is a very dangerous myth. As wood is naturally burning material, fire is very challenging condition for wood to resist burning. The question is not does the wood burn, but how does the wood burn.

After three years of development and hundreds of tests we can guarantee that using only B-s1,d0 treated wood, will not give B-s1,d0 classification for construction like lamella element.

Rainer Hoff – Co-owner, Development and Sales Manager at Aikkon

In Aikkon, we believe that safety is most important, fire safety among it. We are confident, that making compromises at the expense of fire safety can result a tragedy, and it is our mission to stop this myth from spreading.

Aligned with Aikkon’s mission, we prioritized the ecological aspect, deliberately excluding chemical options and directing our focus towards solutions of organic origin. After extensive testing, Burnblock proved to be an excellent choice, providing satisfying results in terms of fire safety and environmental friendliness.

says Rainer Hoff, co-owner of the Estonian company Aikkon

We are glad that our preparations have met new challenges and have been appreciated in Estonia, which is famous for its conscious approach to the environment. We congratulate Aikkon on a great project and we are proud to be able to contribute to the development of an innovative range of products. Safe and ecological.

Etelä-Hervannan school project

Photos: ©Aikkon

We are an enterprising company, characterised at heart by a pioneering spirit and the courage to follow new paths.
Wilders Plads 15C, 1403 Copenhagen K, Denmark

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