Natural fire-retardant solutions for wood and natural fiber products

   +45 70 23 20 53   Wilders Plads 15C, 1403 Copenhagen K, Denmark

HomeReferencesSchoolingUniversity of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

Whether it’s a school or a university, we should feel safe in every public place. Students and employees of the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Wolverhampton (UK), thanks to Burnblock®, do not have to worry about fires. 3500 square meters of Polish birch plywood covered with Burnblock fire neutral lacquer were used for the implementation of this project.

Location University of Wolverhampton – School of Architecture and the Built Environment       

Contractor ISG Project Director Liam Davies

Architect Associated Architects

Installed by JPC Construction

Delivered by Specialised Panel Products

We are an enterprising company, characterised at heart by a pioneering spirit and the courage to follow new paths.
Wilders Plads 15C, 1403 Copenhagen K, Denmark

Where to buy

Pilot plant

Mose Alle 17A
DK-2610 Roedovre

Pilot plant delivery procedure

Please send test material specimens in agreed number and dimensions to:
Contact person for unloading:
Mette Jalving Lystlund
Opening hours:
According to agreement with
Mette Jalving Lystlund