Natural fire-retardant solutions for wood and natural fiber products

   +45 70 23 20 53   Wilders Plads 15C, 1403 Copenhagen K, Denmark

HomeReferencesAccommodationHimmelbyen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Himmelbyen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Himmelbyen is located in the southern part of Ørestad and thus close to Kalvebod Fælled’s enormous nature reserve. Amager Strand’s long, beautiful coastline entices with water sports, beach life and swimming trips nearby.

Clad in white concrete with light facade panels and thermo pine wooden cladding impregnated with Burnblock®, Himmelbyen draws attention beautifully and crudely. The homes stand out stylishly, like a modern city at height – which catches the eye from below and holds the gaze from the homes above.

Location Ørestad, Copenhagen, Denmark

Delivered by Bergsten Timber A/S

Contractor Sweco, NREP

Year 2018

We are an enterprising company, characterised at heart by a pioneering spirit and the courage to follow new paths.
Wilders Plads 15C, 1403 Copenhagen K, Denmark

Where to buy

Pilot plant

Mose Alle 17A
DK-2610 Roedovre

Pilot plant delivery procedure

Please send test material specimens in agreed number and dimensions to:
Contact person for unloading:
Mette Jalving Lystlund
Opening hours:
According to agreement with
Mette Jalving Lystlund