Natural fire-retardant solutions for wood and natural fiber products

   +45 70 23 20 53   Wilders Plads 15C, 1403 Copenhagen K, Denmark

HomeNewsCertificationHygroscopic test according to EN 16755

Hygroscopic test according to EN 16755

Burnblock is continuously working on documenting the performance characteristics of Burnblock and products impregnated with Burnblock.

 “fit for outside use without use of a coating

We can now provide you with reports stating that Cedar and Thermo Pine impregnated with Burnblock have passed the hygroscopic test according to EN 16755:2017 for DRF classes INT2 and EXT .The passed tests show no extractions of Burnblock on the surface of the tested species. This is also confirmed by the level of equilibrium moisture content, which is below the required max. 28%. The test confirms as of such that the two species impregnated with Burnblock can withstand high humidity measures and as of such is fit for outside use without use of a coating. Should a coating be requested it will not be impacted by extracted Burnblock.   Burnblock has previously documented  that Cedar and Thermo Pine impregnated with Burnblock keeps their fire properties (fire test according to ISO 5660-1) before and after ageing (according to EN 927-6).

For more information and documentation please get in contact with us:

We are an enterprising company, characterised at heart by a pioneering spirit and the courage to follow new paths.
Wilders Plads 15C, 1403 Copenhagen K, Denmark

Where to buy

Pilot plant

Mose Alle 17A
DK-2610 Roedovre

Pilot plant delivery procedure

Please send test material specimens in agreed number and dimensions to:
Contact person for unloading:
Mette Jalving Lystlund
Opening hours:
According to agreement with
Mette Jalving Lystlund